Difficult is never enough!

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
If dying over and over is something you enjoy (fondly) then this blog may be for you. I offer honest game reviews, news feed from my two explosive Youtube channels and a slice of my french thoughts (When my phoenix permits me, he's edgy sometimes...). Have a good read and enjoy your stay!

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November 28, 2011

Anza is disappoint: Twilight Princess and Ganondorf Discussion

Why is that blog not about Skyward Sword? Because I didn't finished it yet. Moving on.

I was wasting some time on youtube, as I often do (DX), and fell on something nasty. Just a bunch of 12 years old kids braggin' about Twilight Princess being the best Zelda game ever made because it is in *Tree Dee*. So far, nothing bad. I usually ignore stuff like that.
But then, this happened. Ganondorf being at his best in Twilight Princess? Nope. I refuse. I do not compute such flawed logic. Evil just faceslap'd itself at your comment. The game can be what it is, but I must admit that they butchered what Ganondorf really is when they made TP.
So before I start hammering on it (these brats will never read this anyway. Whatever XD), allow me to clarify a little detail:
Twilight Princess is a good game!

..No, really! I am not trolling you. Sure, some things like a magic bar, fire-based weapons and magic items among others, difficult enemies (:S) and so on were missing. The trailer let me thought this was an older people oriented Zelda. I was wrong, of course, but it still said that to my brain! I would have imagined people being endangered, fighting overwhelming foes and exploring creeping and dangerous traps-filled dungeons. Sadly, none of that happened. However the game did have good elements, both old and new: Arrow bombs, dual grappling hook, a sky temple, DRAGONS, a parallel dark world, a pretty awesome cutscene involving Dark Link (too bad that was all), some very interesting bosses, some nicely hidden secrets...All of these were nice things to have. Still, I believe, it my own opinion, that it cannot compete with the older games due to the core of TP lacking.

What I really hated about the game can be shortened in three points:
-A darker, more serious theme with challenges for players.
-Ganondorf and the way they made him.

I will start with the third point, Ganondorf. See, I am a big fan of A link to The Past. It is one of my favorite game ever made for many reasons, mostly it's absorbing and influencing theme and world. Of course, Ganondorf was AMAZING in this game. He forced you to go through so much misaventures he is pretty much considered the version of Ganondorf that pushed Link to his limits the most. Oh, and here's why A Link To The Past is amazing:
People die in it.
I know right? Right where the game starts, you can feel something is dead wrong. Your uncle goes out in a stormy night and as you try to follow him you can feel these red eyes watching you. The guards are all under the influence of Agahnim. They all have spooky empty visors. Only their eyes can be seen. Sometime later, you find your uncle, dying. He pretty much begs you to save Princess Zelda or else the world as we know it will end. Then he dies. despair fills your mind as you go upstairs, slaying possessed soldiers who were once good guys. Maybe you even knew them...

See what I mean? No other zelda games did that, not even the original. So when I saw the trailer for TP I was super excited. And then I was angry.

Ganondorf is supposed to be the embodiment of jealousy/envy, hatred and wrath, THEN power. That is how he must be.When the first three elements are present, like in ALttP or OoT, then you can make him *feel* powerful. For examply, when I think Ganondorf, I imagine him screaming and punching the floor SO HARD it crumbles under your feet. I imagine him spinning his spear over his head and fire bats will come out and go straight at you. He never falters, retreat or take a break. It is him or you. If he needs to make his own castle collapse over your head, he will. And he love his castle a lot. He always does.

In Twilight Princess, you do not really see nor feel that. Here's how the Ganondorf in TP was:
-Manipulative, suggestive.
-Taking possession of others in order to protect himself.
-Transforming into a beast BEFORE trying something else.
-The horse battle was nice, but he was actually RUNNING AWAY (faceslap).
-Trapping you in a closed area and challenging you in close battle where he kept W+1. Turn-off.

So, in order of appearance:
1: Ganondorf NEVER mapilulate others. He force them to obey him, simple as that, may it be mind dominion or whatever.
2: Hiding behing (or inside) others doesn't feel Ganondorf at all. I think it was cowardly of him.
3: His transformation in Ocarina of Time was a last resort decision, not an option. This is why it was awesome.
4: If Ganondorf was on  a horse, YOU better run away from him. Not the way around. Please!
5: Ganondorf did challenged you in melee battle before (in Wind Waker) but he did so in a weird way. He was flying around, jumping everywhere and seemed to have eyes behind his back, as if he was helped by...magic perhaps? He also bitchslapped Zelda. He could've killed her, but she was only a nuisance. A skin itch. Even if it backfired. Both WW and TP's Ganon fights could have been better (with the use of magic spells with gimmicks implemented in them for example), but the WW one was more likeable. To me at least.

Of course, all of these points are IMO. But I'm right anyway and I know it :D

Now that this is out of the way, let's go back to Twilight Princess. I absolutely hated how the game started and simply wanted to get rid of it. Why do he have to start in a peaceful town? Again! Why only the kids are kidnapped, why not the rest of the village? And why are the people in the world oblivious to what is happening?

See, why not making the story like this. Ganondorf is already in a position of power. When Link was a baby, monsters attacked his town. They brought everyone somewhere and made them into slaves. When Link is older, he escapes for whatever reasons (rescuing others would have been good here) and he starts by looking for help from other races. However some monsters catched up to him and THEN transforms him into a wolf. In this form, he finds Midna, who is from a race also enslaved by Ganondorf. Bam, storytelling!
(sure it looks like Cohan, but it's still better. It's the point DX)

A different story like the example I gave above would have been perfect for setting two points:
-A darker setting.
-Dark link. Yeah, I would be pissed and filled with bad emotions if I was enslaved for several years, so a fight with his inner self would have been well implemented. Nintendo, serve the fans! XD

I still enjoyed TP enough to complete it. 100% run. But then I never ever touched it again. I tend to beat most of the zelda games multiple times, including the three hearts challenges, yet I never ventured into this one for a second time. I don't feel like it. Twilight Princess could have been an awesome game with a new twist and all. Instead it was simply a good game among others. Oh well. I could go on for days when I talk about Zelda stuff, so I will stop here. Let's just hope that Skyward Sword will fill my expectation (So far it's not).
Thank you for reading this somewhat huge post, I hope you appreciated it. Please *like* if you liked, as everytime you do *like* something, somewhere a hyrulean will smile.
Have something to say, opinions to share and questions to ask? Leave a comment down there, I read all of them! It also makes Google bots think my post is worthy of more attention XD

November 15, 2011


I have a somewhat good relationship with The Elder Scrolls and Bethesda in general. I know their games very well but never managed to finish them because of something else getting my attention, despite the amount of fun they brought me. I was kind of sceptic that Skyrim would be any different.

I am always happy to be wrong.

Turns out it may be my first victorious full-fledged playthrough of the series. Skyrim gave me pleasant surprises in it's first ten minutes, stealing my freedom for a good 6 hours straight, and it keeps delivering. This never happened since Mass Effect, who was another surprise at the time, but that is something else. Sure, Skyrim got Fallout-lienated somewhere in the making but I have no problem with that. Same for most of the NPCs having their hands nailed to their waists when they have nothing scripted to do. And same for the game becoming a lot more simple, which I think is another plus.

Might as well jump into this last point right away. A lot of things changed, some for the bad but most for the best. Yep, in addition to the super shiny AND useful menu, the updated magic system, the skill trees and the *each hand is independent to the other* thingy, it appears that you can SPRINT! A real fast sprint too, not just a smooth relaxing jogging while being bombarded by spells, arrows and gooey stuff like zombies as if time was not an issue. In fact, Bethesda didn't had to pull their hair out with a super bad ass trailer. All they had to do was to show a player character sprinting away from an ambushing mountain kitty. And then you loop this 10 seconds clip three or four times to give you good length, and then you succeed in life. The best decisions are the simple ones indeed.

What's best is that you can now combine these mechanics to better results. For example, blocking is now useful when you wanna make the two-hander *piss off* then rush towards the poor mage zapping you, which would have been impossible and useless before. having two *independent* hands, a la Bioshock 2, is amazing because you can now relish a lighter, quicker weapon without the beforehand unavoidable shield of I-reduce-efficiency +2. Fighting with a sword and popping a spell at the same time is quite satisfying, especially when flame throwers are involved (or icegun throwers, whatever suits you. That one is for you Nick XD).

-But wait, if you can fight with spells and melee at the same time, then what's the point of making a pure mage or warrior?

Good question. Because mages can use BOTH hands at the same time. It's like a two-hander but with fireballs instead, it's really fun. Trained mages also have an improved casting in a spell school if they use both hands, which results in a slightly different spells. For example, a warrior using both hands to cast a *flamethrower* spell will end up with two normal (and little) jets of fire, one for each hands. But the mage skilled in destruction magic will be able to *combine* his hands, forming a huge stream instead. Sort of like ghostbusters. The only sad part is that you cannot combine different elements or effects but I guess it makes sense. A fireball that heals you might be confusing. What's also nice is that taking cover in front of a mage and taking the safe but longer path is worthwhile now because spells will not go through rocks and corners just because their animations told them to do so. Except if you have nuke AoE bombs, then it makes sense.

Same with warriors. Being skilled with your weapons doesn't only mean you will deal more damage, you will attack more efficiently. It's the difference between finesse and smashing things with a big, slow log made of iron really. I tried to hit an enemy with my mage using a two-handed sword power attack. It wasn't pretty at all and I ended up missing him because my blow took ages. And I wasted all of my stamina. And I died because my enemy thought I was extra slow and I couldn't run away.

I am sure the thieves, assassins and speechfull bureaucrats also have their share of goodies, skill related, however I did not try to play with those yet. I can say, however, that not all the skills encountered in the previous games are in Skyrim. There is *only* 18 of them, but do not let that number anger you. Some skills are the gathering of numerous ones, like the one or two handed weapon skills affecting all weapon classes. Because you would think that a warrior would know the difference between a log and a butter knife. Additionally, the attribute (strength, intelligence, etc) system is gone. Weapons will not break (but enchantments will depletes) so the armored skill is gone and replaced with blacksmith. Acrobatics is also gone, replaced with nothing at all which made me cry a little. My favorite strategy in previous TES games was to jump down a hill, successfully levelling my legs. After a too-much-numerous-levelling-up time I ended up making 10 meters high jumps and could access rooftops and other unreachable areas, bombarding my enemies with fireballs. Fun times in Morrowind and Oblivion.

Well, it's a good thing in the end. I only cried for a minute or two because I realised at some point that my life and mana bar was going up by itself. At first I thought that dragon had a particularly good breath this morning but then realised that it went up all the time. This means, among other things, that rushing and whacking enemies as fast as you can in order to suffer the less damage possible is not the ultimate best strategy there is. You can take out a few dudes, go hide somewhere to let your mana bar go up a bit and get back into the fray. Potions or healing magic are no longer a dependence and are now used for emergencies. There is no limit on how many bottles you can shove down your gutter, but you do not have that much to begin with so it's all right. Well, in my case anyway, I wasted all of my cash levelling up my blacksmith skill. Apparently I can craft elfic gear and I still didn't see a single one of them ( I mean the elfs themselves). No game is perfect XD

Graphically the game is great. Oh, the mountains, plains and creatures are as enchanting as every other TES games (compared to their respective times), here I am talking about *oh snap* moments. Especially spells and other sparkles. Lighting effects aren't the best but it's nice to see the bad guy you just set on fire actually generating light. Force effects (like force push...screams?) are nice to see since they push back the entire environment, dust, objects, remains and vegetation included. Same with large creatures running, jumping or landing. Spells are not only pretty, they're really fun to use...on rocks! The first time you will see a dragon breath fire on a wall you will stop playing for a second or two and admire the fiery stream splitting on the surface. Ice spells will freeze the landscape, fire spells will burn the ground, fun stuff overall. To note, the grassy plains being brushed by the wind is really convincing however the gatherable plants and flowers will not move at all. No game is perfect, and it's not a sore to the eye. It took me some time to realise it.

As for the audio, no worries there. The orchestra will follow your epic battles and adventures wherever you go and you may tremble in the face of a very angry gigantic creature roaring at you. Voice actors can be dull sometimes, but nothing dramatic or annoying. I'm interested in the big monsters anyway so points for Bethesda and their priorities, you can keep your occasionally bland actors :D

So. Is the game close to perfection or what? Course not!
The game does have it's share of problems, bugs and dumb AI, but nothing I should get angry at. Sure, I may be patient to the point of not using powers against Spark Mandrill...or Crash man DX... but nothing made me want to punch the screen in rage or annoyment yet. Some rare times you will be stuck on a ledge for a second or two, and it may happen at a bad time. Sometimes your enemies will derp over a bridge, wondering what to do as you arrow them to death. Or sometimes they will get stuck in a doorway. Even NPCs just wandering around in towns will go complete retard. Once, a man going up and a woman going down were trapped in each other. None wanted to collide with the other. I actually watched the scene for a good 5 minutes, tried to push them and stuff, they stayed like that. Amazing.

When you will realise that crafting a chesplate then a knife will give you the same amount of experience you will rage a bit. Made items should take the item consumption into consideration, and that includes alchemy. Really dumb of them. Similarly, abusing the butter knifes and cheap potions is too easy. Yes, this annoys me more than any other bugs in the world and I am surprised that nobody figured this one out. Pretty fields and birds are working just fine, but DAMN this knife is tempting me to farm it to death!

But these bugs aren't bugging me, they're just funny (except the knifes). At least they make you realise that Skyrim is a game, not the life you would like to live.

So, in short? Skyrim is a neat upgrade on it's predecessors despite it's flaws. The game is so huge you shouldn't stop for such trivial annoyances. It removed a lot of things that bothered me in previous TES games by adding and changing some features, and I think the sacrifices were worth it. It worked very hard on impressing you and it succeeded. Sometimes you will literally drop your jaw. The game is simple yet enjoyable and it's easy to leave it for a while. You will be tempted to try out different characters and to explore various areas. I even loaded some segments of the game just to redo it a couple of times. It could be seen as more of the same, and I would agree to this, but it does have it's unique charm. For me, it was worth my buck. I usually do not give scores to my reviews but the Geek team invited me with open arms (even if this review ends up in my personal Blog). Frenchy gives Skyrim a 8.5 out of ten and will stop being frenchy (but it is impossible).

Thanks for the read and I hope you enjoyed!

November 9, 2011

Anza's Journal (09 Nov. 2011)

Man, this week is filled with fails you shall never see. You will read about these fails, but that's it.

(btw I am in a very good mood since HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANZA)

So, let's start with The Binding of Isaac. God I love this game. God I want to punch it in it's three eyeballs. Just today, three games resulting in three horrible fails happened. The worse one... I end up with a bottle of pills and a LOT of damage and rate of fire upgrades. I then fall on a devil room containing the cat (or 9 lives). I tell myself *hey, I already saw the health upgrade pill, and I'm playing as Cain. This means no downgrade pills.  EVER!*
So I decide to take it. Only have 3 hearts at the moment anyway so this might work. Here's what happened:

Bombs are keys.
Bombs are keys.
Bombs are keys.
Bombs are keys.
Bombs are keys.
Bombs are keys.
Bombs are keys.
Bombs are keys.
Bombs are keys.
Bombs are FREAKIN KEYS ARRGH I AM IN WOMB 2 **dead**

I also didn't see ANY health upgrades or whatever. Just range+ and speed. You know, to DIE FASTER!

I jumped into Dungeons of Dredmor. To die a lot more :D
And I did so graciously. I blowed my own face with a tentacular wand twice on level 2, got pwned by 5 spellcasters all in the same closet, then I tried some new builds involving alchemy, but the only thing I got out of it in over three floors were mana potions and poisons useless by themselvess. Especially when you're bleeding like a zerg (*pig* was tempting to place here, but I am a geek first). Then, after finally making it through floor 6 and gaining a kick ass sword (a katana I forged myself) I go back to the first floors where I kept the anvils of Krong intact.

Minus piercing damage
Minus piercing damage again
Plus magig power (useful when you have no spells)
Minus magic power (yay)
Increased mana regen (yay again)
and Minus slashing damage. Thank you Krong. Oh and then I die.

Serves me right for playing on GR with permadeath on.

Then, I played some Left 4 Dead 2. Finally, a game where you can build your own luck. I overplayed this game so much I ended up not playing for a whole two months. But I finally got the urge to play it (I actually waited a few days). This past Sunday, my cousin ended up in my place and he brought his super laptop. So we ended up playing L4D2 together for a few matches. Thing is, he never played Versus, so I ended up coaching him (in french, I might add, so it was a lot easier). He made up so much progress in a single day, but still...man is he a lucky SOAB (with love). First witch he encounters, as a boomer, he barfs on the closest survivors, misses them but manage to get close to them before dying, witch kills someone. Second witch, again as a boomer, he does the same, survivors throws molotov at their feet, everyone burns while the witch is pissed. Third witch, against rushers, he manages to barf on a single dude who somehow ignored both the charger and jockey but walked straight into the witch. Realising something was blocking him, he shoved. Good moments XD

At least I wasn't failing, so I was laughing too. All right that's enough ranting for the whole week!

November 8, 2011

The Binding of Isaac...And Your Satisfying Frustration!

Some people bought this game due to the videos me and Nick (RockLeeSmile) made, demonstrating its general gameplay and even some successful runs. In my playthrough, I defeated the game in one of my luckiest run ever made. And I guess we made our fans interested because they bought and tried it. You couldn't imagine the amount of RAGE mails I got, all two of them (even if they really enjoyed the game, I am sure of it). So I decided to write this game a review. Doesn't have anything to do tonight anyway. The curse is still young.

First of all, trying to describe this game to others is a little bit complicated. The best description I could give of it is that it is a blend of multiple shooter//classic games with RPG//dungeon crawlers elements. Robotron, Smash TV, Zelda, an arcade game feel with a touch of stats and various items, you press *purée* et voila! : The Binding of Isaac.

The game wears its name beautifully, in a way. I say that because the game is gross, disturbing and creepy. Poor Isaac never deserved his curse and you will feel bad for him. God talked his mother into killing him. At least that's what she thinks, which depicts blind fanatism very well. Still, what disturbed (and pleased) me the most is the atmosphere and the wonderfully chilling sound effects. Levels are dark and keep getting darker as you go deeper into the abyss of your basement with screaming flying fetuses, squishy hearts and roaring bosses... Team Meat succeeds once again in the sound and visual department, music to boot!

Of course, gameplay is the most important aspect of it all and while I adore this game, I do have mixed feelings about it. See, I love challenges. Sometimes I penalize myself just to make a game kick my ass (Megaman comes to mind...). However the game has a bad tendency of not loving you at all. And it will penalize you very often, going as far as to tease you. While the game has perfect controls and balanced enemies, it will drag you down to hell by not giving you items you need. Yes, this game is *partially* luck based. In every levels (or floors) before the dreaded womb zone there is a shop, a treasure room, a boss room and sometimes challenges and mini-boss rooms. This guarantees you a minimal of 12 unique items over six levels, plus what's in the shop if you have enough coins and the other treasures. It sounds like a lot, but wait until the game gives you 20 bombs and no keys at all over the length of two floors, leaving two treasure rooms unexplored. Most of the time, the game will lend you passive items which stacks. It doesn't mean all of them are useful, actually a lot of items are useless by themselves, but they're still yours!

*runs away with panties*

...It will also drop*space bar* items. You can only grab one of those. That's where trouble starts.

Good players will cope out with it. Personally I only had one run where the game just made fun of me, still most of the time I end up getting 4 or 5 space bar items, all useless. You cannot sell or destroy them, so if you have a very good one (or never find a good one, that happens too) then you just lost a spot AND probably a key or a bomb, depending on where you found it. This will make you cry when all you have is range+ gear, no life upgrades, no way to replenish it, and then the game will keep giving you range+ items or useless things you wouldn't use at all (Kamikaze comes to mind... DX). Then, the game gives you rooms filled with super hard enemies who have tons of health points, with evil evil rock emotes constantly shooting you and never giving you a break when your little 1 damage tears which fires SOOO slowly cannot deal with these annoyances. And if the game gave you tons of health but no ways to hit harder, then you will watch your beautiful gigantic health bar grinding its way to nothing.
I understand this is what the game is going for and honestly, I love it a lot! But I also understand how many, MANY players will be turned down by this. There is a lot of ways Team Meat could fix this, and they probably are going to fix it, but for the mean time I receive rage messages. At least their suffering amuses me greatly :D

...You're still reading? Good, because the bad news are over. If you do indeed get lucky with the items, you will find a lot of pleasant elements in The Binding Of Isaac. First of all, as a huge fan of Boss Battles, I can affirm that this game will satisfy your every needs. Challenging and interesting bosses awaits you in these dark fleshy rooms and they are there by the dozens. The mobs are also very nice, especially the screaming... dead... foetuses...brrrr. I luv them!

Exploring the entire level instead of going straight for the boss is rewarding if you feel like it (except in the last levels, it may be better to just run straight to the final boss). There are secret rooms, hidden chests and rewards around every corners and it's always a good idea to grab as much stuff as you can. It may be a bet to open locked chests but most of the time it pays off. There are also different utility objects, like arcade machines and beggar kid and I really love how there is two ways to make them work. You have the cash, then try your luck. No money? Then simply blow the machines (and the kids) to grab your reward by force!

Sometimes you will be forced to choose between two locked rooms and a chest and such decisions are always critical! If you open the chest, you MAY have a key or two back, plus other items, but you may also get nothing. The treasure room always contains something, but will it be useful to you? Or the shop, there may be something good and you might even be able to buy a key back, but there is also a chance to fall upon Greed, who will steal your money with every successful hits. To note, this bastard can appear everywhere, not just the shop. Even if the game is frustrating, it also makes you feel wonderful whenever you made a good decision (or a lucky guess, question of perspective). The increasing difficulty with your every victorious playthrough will also add weight in those crucial decisions.
In my experience, it balances itself out, even if you will have some unsuccessful infuriating runs that give you the urge to smash your gamepad into your screen. Just blow the begging kid up, it'll feel good XD

There you go. If you love any of the games or game genre I described at the beginning, then this game might be for you. If you still have doubts then I...


strongly suggest watching videos from RockLeeSmile. He is a good friend of mine and did some very good playthroughs, successful and not. It is his debuts and his first LP but he is interesting, his videos are very representative of what the game is and you will laugh at his fails. I did XD.

Here's the link to his first episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbJRxQfh0Jo&feature=channel_video_title

On this, I thank you for your time and hope you enjoyed your read. Feel free to ask any questions about the game, I revisit the forums at least once a day. May be faster if you post on the blog, but I shouldn't miss you. I'll see you next time!

November 2, 2011

Sequelitis = Super Genius *despite it's little flaws*

Allright, title is clear and I suppose you guys can read english, bla bla bla Egoraptor is a fuckin' genius and stuff.

Done. There you go. Moving on.

I already knew Egoraptor was more than a funneh guy on Newgrounds. Sure, he made a lot of shorts which made fun of video games in general. Everyone remembers the dick joke in the megaman one. lol. But even then, he was pointing out flaws or funny things about game design in general. He was simply making fun of it, making it super obvious, and even if your eyes didn't see all of it right away your brain did. In my case, I was hoping he would do something...more. Something like a...series where he shows why this game is well made so that....players could stop treating CoD and stuff like that as if it was Godly and....and...


I nerdgasm'd really hard.

Why am I talking about this? Because when I did my Desktop Adventures I showed that Sequelitis episode 1 was in my *watch later* list. And I guess you viewers scratched your non-frenchy skulls about why I never talked about it. Well there. I'm talking about it now. Happy? You better!

See, I never really considered the path towards video game making. Never seriously, at least. It is definitely something I would enjoy, but learning about codes and...remembering codes and doing stuff about coding...it just makes me crazy. My printer is dead now because I couldn't understand it so you can imagine how NOT of a comp wizard I am. RIP printer.

However I am interested in concept, character and story development (and music, but that's something else). I'm quite passionated about these elements in-game and Egoraptor must feel the same. In both Sequelitis episodes he talks about concept and character and player progression is such a way it made my brain tingle. I actually took notes. Really, there's a noteclip somewhere filled with key elements in his videos and I must say, I agree to nearly everything he said. Wait....*nearly*

TEHN I AM NOT A RREEEEEEAAAAAL FAN OF HIM I GUE -- Seriously people thinking like that are derps.

I obviously have some conflicting opinions about both his videos. Nothing serious or anything dramatic. I agree that Castlevania: Simon's Quest is retarded and I agree that Megaman X is an excellent title. On this, no objections at all.

I do however have two complaints. I shall list them and let all the Ego-fans rage at me just because they can. And I shall eat pop-corn, smiling at your pure divine tears XD

1: In the first Sequelitis episode (Castlevania vs Castlevania 2) at exactly 13:10 in the video, Ego say that Castlevania 2 sucked really bad, but the more recent Castlevania that uses RPG elements had unreal scores. This is due to developers using game design that complements the *shity boringness*. I must say, I somewhat disagree with that. See, anyone watching me playing knows that I love to *crank up* the difficulty. If there ain't any option for it, then I handicap myself. I never felt like grinding in any Castlevania game ever. I usually just go through the game and too bad if my main weapon is a butter knife, cuz Dracula will taste ALL of it! Oh sure, I die. That's what I want though, learning by doing mistakes. And since the more recent Castlevania games are offering me to do just that instead of taking hits but having enough HP to just walk it off, then I think they're worthy of their scores. Most of the bosses are awesome to fight, especially if you do not have 20 more levels than you are supposed to have, and the story *can* also be good. It's hit or miss really...

2: In the second Sequelitis (Megaman vs Megaman X), It was nothing but praise. Once again, I understand and I agree with everything he said in it. Everything. ALL OF IT!!!
His job (or goal) was to make people understand how MemaganX isn't a downgrade from it's classic NES counterpart and to make people realise how modern gaming treats us like babies. Retarded babies at that. And he accomplished this perfectly. But he didn't mentionned any of the bad points in Megaman X. For example:
-Screen scrolling, allowing enemies you just killed for the one hundred time to reappear again.
-The last levels (fortress, castle, whatever you wanna name them) overly relying on wall jumping (which really. REALLY makes the first point annoying).

If he would have mentionned these for 10 seconds and just said *but the game has so much to offer, players will forgive these little tiny mistakes* and just moved on, I wouldn't write on it. maybe he just didn't think or cared about it. Oh well. Whatever. Both of his Sequelitis episodes are amazing, and I cannot wait for the next ones. Oh, and I lol'd at ALL the kids who were begging for a Megaman vs Megaman X where it would be negative and where Egoraptor would make fun of Megaman X and stuff and then they see the video in their sub box and then they get faceslapped by megaman X being praised...I laugh at your sadness :D

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