Difficult is never enough!

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
If dying over and over is something you enjoy (fondly) then this blog may be for you. I offer honest game reviews, news feed from my two explosive Youtube channels and a slice of my french thoughts (When my phoenix permits me, he's edgy sometimes...). Have a good read and enjoy your stay!

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October 24, 2011

What is being scary?

some time ago, before I started playing F.E.A.R, I had a discussion with Kinjry on scary stuff. I told him the fans voted on F.E.A.R for my next LP, that I never played it and that it *apparently* was a scary game. Kinjry, being a natural Kinjry with ease, laughed it out, saying that F.E.A.R is miles away from being scary. Now that I've played the game, I agree entirely with what he thought, but not how he sentenced it.

See, for awesome and manly persons like me and Kin, little girls going around scaring people ain't really affecting us. Oh sure, it may make us jump a couple of times, but by no means did we stopped to catch out breath. In my *blind* playthrough I never hesitated to move forward or to dive into dark rooms. There is only one moment where I stopped for a few seconds and still I kept going forward, blazing through everything (especially windows, they all need to be exterminated). Personally, I was more scared of my goldfish that I had when I was a kid. It died right before I started playing Super Mario 64. When I first saw the giant purple sea snale-eel thingy just roaring at me, I throw'd my remote in the air and ran to the living room. I immediately thought Karma for not taking care of my little goldfish. My mom never understood XD

So in short, games like F.E.A.R, Resident Evil, Dead Space or any *BOO* based scary games are nothing at all. For me, things that slowly creeps in will be way more effective, like Silent Hill or Penumbra. Or my goldfish...
As for Kinjry...Well let's say he's afraid of things too disgusting to describe.

Oh, and I'm also scared of Freddy. But for a single scene, only that one gave me the creeps. It's the bedroom kill..on the bed...all that blood...I will never sleep again...OK I am done!

What about you, viewer? Want to share your fears? I would love that!

1 comment:

  1. One time, I ate a bagel, and it tasted so good I became a chef and spread the miracle that is the bagel. Long story short, that midget deserved it and I want my tweezers back...


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