Difficult is never enough!

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
If dying over and over is something you enjoy (fondly) then this blog may be for you. I offer honest game reviews, news feed from my two explosive Youtube channels and a slice of my french thoughts (When my phoenix permits me, he's edgy sometimes...). Have a good read and enjoy your stay!

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November 9, 2011

Anza's Journal (09 Nov. 2011)

Man, this week is filled with fails you shall never see. You will read about these fails, but that's it.

(btw I am in a very good mood since HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANZA)

So, let's start with The Binding of Isaac. God I love this game. God I want to punch it in it's three eyeballs. Just today, three games resulting in three horrible fails happened. The worse one... I end up with a bottle of pills and a LOT of damage and rate of fire upgrades. I then fall on a devil room containing the cat (or 9 lives). I tell myself *hey, I already saw the health upgrade pill, and I'm playing as Cain. This means no downgrade pills.  EVER!*
So I decide to take it. Only have 3 hearts at the moment anyway so this might work. Here's what happened:

Bombs are keys.
Bombs are keys.
Bombs are keys.
Bombs are keys.
Bombs are keys.
Bombs are keys.
Bombs are keys.
Bombs are keys.
Bombs are keys.
Bombs are FREAKIN KEYS ARRGH I AM IN WOMB 2 **dead**

I also didn't see ANY health upgrades or whatever. Just range+ and speed. You know, to DIE FASTER!

I jumped into Dungeons of Dredmor. To die a lot more :D
And I did so graciously. I blowed my own face with a tentacular wand twice on level 2, got pwned by 5 spellcasters all in the same closet, then I tried some new builds involving alchemy, but the only thing I got out of it in over three floors were mana potions and poisons useless by themselvess. Especially when you're bleeding like a zerg (*pig* was tempting to place here, but I am a geek first). Then, after finally making it through floor 6 and gaining a kick ass sword (a katana I forged myself) I go back to the first floors where I kept the anvils of Krong intact.

Minus piercing damage
Minus piercing damage again
Plus magig power (useful when you have no spells)
Minus magic power (yay)
Increased mana regen (yay again)
and Minus slashing damage. Thank you Krong. Oh and then I die.

Serves me right for playing on GR with permadeath on.

Then, I played some Left 4 Dead 2. Finally, a game where you can build your own luck. I overplayed this game so much I ended up not playing for a whole two months. But I finally got the urge to play it (I actually waited a few days). This past Sunday, my cousin ended up in my place and he brought his super laptop. So we ended up playing L4D2 together for a few matches. Thing is, he never played Versus, so I ended up coaching him (in french, I might add, so it was a lot easier). He made up so much progress in a single day, but still...man is he a lucky SOAB (with love). First witch he encounters, as a boomer, he barfs on the closest survivors, misses them but manage to get close to them before dying, witch kills someone. Second witch, again as a boomer, he does the same, survivors throws molotov at their feet, everyone burns while the witch is pissed. Third witch, against rushers, he manages to barf on a single dude who somehow ignored both the charger and jockey but walked straight into the witch. Realising something was blocking him, he shoved. Good moments XD

At least I wasn't failing, so I was laughing too. All right that's enough ranting for the whole week!

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