Difficult is never enough!

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
If dying over and over is something you enjoy (fondly) then this blog may be for you. I offer honest game reviews, news feed from my two explosive Youtube channels and a slice of my french thoughts (When my phoenix permits me, he's edgy sometimes...). Have a good read and enjoy your stay!

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April 13, 2011

This week's résumé

Well, first of all, I had an exam last week (french litterature, college) containing five questions about a book we had to read. 100% biatches!

The rest of the week went like this: Work, post challenge #4. Sleep, work, sleep, work, posting challenge #5 Right NAOH! And then I'll have to work tonight too. Oh well, more monyy in my pockets is always enjoyable.

Also, I finally convinced myself to box a little (we have a boxing bag at my job. Lucky me). Stretches, some exercises and then three 3:00 rounds. Yeah, it's not that much, but I'm getting back into it. Still had to vent due to a DA2 additional disappoint!

Another interesting point, I had a good little discussion with DMT about the flaws and plot holes in Dragon Age 2, and I must say that it was hylarious. I was planning to post it right away but then realised that some parts of the discussion weren't...well...friendly to kids. So I'll have to fix it up a little. It won't affect the humor in it, just use your imagination :D

So, yeah, just a little piece of my mind. Btw, since all of my other planned stuff is finally done (I did a high score on the bloody palace in DMC4. No spoilers lololololol), I seriously got back into writing. Yes, for this blog, but also for my private secret manuscrip. But there's no way I'm unveiling these secrets, sorry :D

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